Adventures with Phoebe & Prue. Two Kentish dogs enjoying life in and around Kent, UK.


About Us

About Phoebe
Born: 26th March 2012
My hooman saw me and my litter mates for sale on Facebook.
My mother is a Jack Russell
My father is a Chihuahua

Piggy, Chubbs, Fatty (there seems to be a theme here 🤔)

Babies: I have had 4 babies, Two boys and 2 girls. All 3 left with names given to them from birth apart from Prue who was originally called Bat as they didn't know what to call her. They were called Bassett, Bear, Blue & Bat.

Naught Habits: I hit the hooman up the ankles when I want biscuits. I poop indoors when it’s raining really really hard outside and I will pull clean clothes out of the basket to sleep on them.

Phoebe-isms: I hides under the table when it’s time for medication or when its time for a bath, when it’s walkies time and I don’t want to go or if I have embarrassed myself or if anyone is laughing at me.


About Prue

Born: 26th August 2014
My mummy is Phoebe
My daddy was a Chihuahua called Elvis 

I have two brothers and 1 sister. One brother lives about 5 minutes away and I occasionally see him and he has come to visit.

I am very protective and I don’t like cats or other dogs coming too close to my mummy. We have a cat who lives with us, but we have a gate on the stairs to keep us apart as I like to keep annoying her so she slaps me 🥺

Naughty Habits:
I occasionally bite mummy’s fingers when she gives me treats, I take teddies off Phoebe when she’s playing with them, and I like to annoy the cat 🐱 

I go through the cat flap even when the door is wide open. I often jump onto the sofa too soon and head-butt the sofa and I pull the blanket off the back of the sofa while Phoebe is sleeping on it so she falls of the back 😅

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