Phoebe & Prudence

Adventures with Phoebe & Prue. Two Kentish dogs enjoying life in and around Kent, UK.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Jungle Calling

 The Jungle is Calling!

We were approached by Jungle Calling to do photos and videos for there brand. 

They sent us some yummy treats to try out! 

Here is how it went....

First you pose....

Then you Sniff.... 
Closer... The smell is Devine.... 
Dive straight in...

As you can see Phoebe couldn't cope with sniffing the Chicken Jerky and no trying them out!

Please check out our Instagram Highlights to see the videos :) 

Head over to Jungle Calling and try them out, they are a California US based company serving the US and Europe. 

We have only tried the Chicken Breast & Jerky Treats so far, and we have to say that they are rather yummy, we took as fast as our little legs would carry us to demolish these :) 

These Chicken Jerky Treats are nutritious, good for the teeth, nourishes hair and great for training. 

Let us know if you try them :)

Bark Soon
Phoebe & Prue

*This is a Paid and Gifted Post


Thursday, September 24, 2020

C & I Collars

We love supporting small brands, so when we come across C & I Collars on Instagram we just fell in love with there Braided Paracord Collars, not only are they excellent quality, a huge variety of colours they are a great price. 

We purchased a set each for Prue's birthday in August. We wanted something bright and colourful and we wasn't disappointed 

We posted our photo onto Instagram and was asked if we wanted to enter the competition to WIN a Collar, so we entered and we was lucky to WIN!!! We also was lucky to be picked as a Brand Rep a few weeks later!!! Lucky PUPS or WHAT!!!!

This was our Winning Photo


Prices start from just £8.00

We currently have Mulled Wine & Pumpkin Spice Collars on Order for Autumn.... We Cant wait to show you 😀

Use CLOVER10 to save some pennies on your very own set... Be WARNED! its addictive 😉

Bark Soon
Phoebe & Prudence 🐾


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Our First Holiday

On the 7th of September we packed up and took off for our first holiday adventure. 

We kept hearing stories about a caravan park that we were going to and that we would be going on loads of walks and adventures, there was also going to be two other doggies that were coming with us but staying in there own caravan. 

So off we took at 10am... We first stopped and had a little walk after an hour of travelling, this is where we met Tommy & Bella two pooches that we were going to be see a lot of over the next 5 days. We said a quick hello and then all loaded up in our own cars. 

We travelled with Nanny & Grandad, whilst mummy travelled with her sister and baby niece and Tommy & Bella went in their Mommy & Daddy's car. 

After another hour on the road we stopped off at Maccy D's and had another pee break and some yummy cheeseburger before we set off for the last hour of the journey! 

After 3 hours of travelling we had arrived at the Caravan Site that was going to be our home for the next 5 days, as we arrived early we couldn't get into our new home for a few hours, so we had a little walk about the site, saw some other doggies and chased some wasp's, they are pesky little things! We also had some lunch that mummy brought along. 

We finally got the keys to our new home, we were rather happy with our caravan! Mummy would of preferred it if it had a decking to keep us in. As we thought the whole place was our garden and chased away all the other doggies and people 😂

We had visited Southwold Pier and saw some tiny little houses that were perfect size for us! 

We spent the week visiting some places, having yummy food and playing with our new pals Tommy & Bella! Aren't they cute?

Mummy is planing on taking us back, or going to another site and staying in a tiny house, not sure how she expects us all to fit, look at it! its rather small lol however she said it will be big enough for us three :)

See below some piccy's from our adventure!

^ Our tiny hooman pal, mummies Niece 💕

^ Im ready to go, mum!

^ One very tired pup 

^ This is Herby, we saw him on one of our late night walks. 

If you have travelled to many places in the UK that are great for two little doggies like us, please comment below and let us know where you visited! 

Bark Soon 
Phoebe & Prue


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Parks Holiday UK Carlton Meres

So we are getting prepared for our up-coming holiday in September to a pet friendly caravan park in Suffolk, called Carlton Meres. We got a great price by The Sun Holiday Shop so we recommend saving up your tokens to get a holiday at great prices.

This will be our first holiday in our doggy lives. Our hoomum usually goes abroad for holiday's but thought it would be fun to do a family holiday in the UK, as we are family we are going along and we are very excited as we have never stayed away from home before! 

We are making sure that the hooman doesn't forget anything for us that we may need so we have created a list of things we think we need:

  • Food (we can't starve now can we, however burgers are rather yummy)
  • Food & Water Bowl plus our travel bowl for long walks
  • Poopy Bags
  • Collar, Leads & ID Tags (we personally think we need a new outfit for our holiday so we have been making some hints for a rather nice new collar and lead we have seen to match our new ID tags)
  • Our comfy bed 
  • Seat covers & Safety Restraints
  • Toys & LOADS of Treats!
  • Lifejacket (if the hoomum has a paddleboard by then)

If there is anything that we have missed that you think we may need please let us know below!

We need to find a great travel bag to keep all our accessories and important stuff in, if you have a great bag that you could recommend please let the hooman know by commenting below or emailing us at 

Plus if your local and would like to do a meet up let us know and we can arrange a day during our 5 day trip!!

Bark Soon
Phoebe & Prudence


Monday, July 13, 2020

Sidney & Betty

In June we took part in Sidney & Betty's Giveaway! We were super happy to find out that we had WON!!!! The harnesses are sooooo pretty and made from Harris Tweed. 

All the products are made to order so that they are personalised to suit your pupster! If you are getting married you can even contact them to make bespoke harnesses so your pooch looks smart for the BIG day! On a even better note all the products are eco-friendly! 

We were tippy tapping when the postman turned up with a parcel with our names on! 

We were super happy to try it on! We took it in turns to have a piccy taken. 

Who do you think wore it better?

Turns out Phoebe has had one to many treato's during lockdown and it fitted a little snug and we had to squeeze her head out of it lol We will be ordering Phoebe her own however slightly bigger to fit the rolls :)  and of course they will need matching leads!

Be sure to head over to Sidney & Betty's website or find them on Instagram. 

Bark Soon

Phoebe & Prue x

Friday, June 26, 2020

Paracord Flower Collar

As you may know we are were for Paws So Pretty who does some amazing items for the fashion cautious doggos! 

Well.... We got a message from the lovely Michelle saying that she was sending us a sample of the NEW Flower Paracord Collars to see if the biothane used it ideal for us little itty bitty doggies! I think we must be the two smallest reps for Paws So Pretty! 

We today the POSTMAN came!!! we love the postman :) sometimes we hang onto his trouser leg to stop him from leaving lol

We have to say we LOVE the collar! It has 5 bright orange flowers with green beads in the centre, we think its a perfect colour for us as it really stands out. The Biothane is a deep golden colour which goes really well with the paracord. 

If you are wanting something pretty to wear this summer then these collars are perfect! you can even get a matching bracelet so you and your hooman can match!

Bark Soon
Phoebe & Prue xx


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Phoebe’s Eye Surgery

Last week I woke up with a sore eye again. I had eye drops that I usually use when my eyes are dry or start to look a little sore. 

So a trip to the vets, which was weird experience in its self, I had to wait for the vet to come out and pick up me up from the car and take me in to be looked at. Sure felt weird going in with out mummy, she normally holds me and tells me it’s going to be all ok! 

Turns out I have another ulcer in my eye :( I had surgery in 2017 to remove the lens part of my eye and replace it with a new lens. So in theory I shouldn’t of gotten another ulcer. This is the 4th ulcer since my surgery, so mummy asked to see a specialist as it makes me very unhappy and uncomfortable every time I get another ulcer. 

I have an appointment with a special called an Ophthalmologist on Monday 15th, which alone the consultation is £220! I think mummy wishes she trained to be a vet like she wanted to do when she was little! 

Last time surgery cost over £1600 which I am told is ALOT of money. Because the insurance won’t pay for it again, mummy has to pay for it herself, which she will do. However can’t really afford it. So for the first time ever she has asked people for help. If you can spare a pound or two she will be forever grateful! 

Again thank you for helping mummy pay for my surgery!! 

Update: 23/06/2020

So far treatment is working very well, even though i'm not enjoying being chased around the house every 2-3 hours for eye drops. I am very much enjoying the morning ham treat, however it does have a little crush to it, so I think the hooman has been adding things to it, however I gobble it up pretty quickly! 

I just want to thank everyone that has kindly donated to my Crowdfunding page so far. So far we have raised £222 which covered my Ophthalmologist consolation appointment fee last week. I have to go back on Monday 29th to see what the next steps are! 

Thank you very much and loads of doggy kisses
Love Phoebe xx

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